


September 12, 2019 Shadmon M. No Comments

8 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog

When it is your passion to write, you start having the ideas of doing a blog to become your strongest portfolio. Blogging could also be a sort of a stress-reliever to people who are into reading books and are into writing. Nowadays, you won’t have a difficult time in terms of creating a blog. In […]

Using CSS on Individual Pages in Squarespace

In making a Squarespace site, you may run into a situation where you want to have a little bit more customization than what Squarespace offers in terms of design. In this case, you can insert custom CSS into your website in order to make changes. However, the information entered in the Custom CSS box loads […]

Adding Custom Fonts In Squarespace 7

Unlike many other website creation tools out there, Squarespace built with design in mind. That being the case, you may want to add some extra flavor to your site by adding custom fonts. If you want to use free Google Fonts or use fonts from your paid Adobe Typekit membership, those features are built straight […]

Creating A Countdown Timer In Squarespace

Often when building a promotional website, you may have a feature or page that you are building up hype for. You want your users to all to come back when the page is launched to drive initial traffic to your new feature. One common way to keep users engaged and assured that real content is […]