A lot of the tutorials on this website require some uploading. Whether it is uploading a video for a video background or uploading an image for a newsletter block, uploading a file is a critical step to getting your application right! This post will cover how to upload a file onto Squarespace.
The first step is to head over to any individual page and create a text block. In the text block, write “link”, highlight it, then click the create link button. In that menu, click on Files → Add a File and select your image, video, or other file. It may take a few minutes to upload if you have a large file.
Once the file is uploaded, it’s time to get your URL! Select your file from the Existing tab, and then click on the text that you entered. A white box will appear above your “link” text, containing your file’s URL. Right click to copy the link. If this sounds confusing, just follow the videos below (click to enlarge):
Once you have the link, which should look something like https://www.yourwebsite.squarespace.com/s/filename.something, put that somewhere safe — you will need it soon. And you can go ahead and delete the “link” text block; it’s served its purpose!
The last step is to edit the link so that it loads perfectly on both your internal site and the site you share with the world. The beginning of the link starts with https. Remove the s from the end to make it into http. If you try to continue this tutorial without doing so, your website will not be able to show the videos unless it has an SSL certificate (which it probably doesn’t). The final link should look like //www.yourwebsite.squarespace.com/s/filename.something.
Now that you have this knowledge head back to our other tutorials, and let’s do it!
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